Pete-Bot Power Budget

Written by Melwin Pakpahan (Missions, Systems, and Test)


The 3DoT Board contains key components that each draw current from the battery.  The boost draws current directly from the battery and provides power to the LDO. The MST Division Manager created the power budget template which is modified for the Pete-Bot.

Table One

Table Two

The Pete-Bot will use two motors and two color sensors. Values in blue cells are measured values. The motors consume most of the current from our system with about 100mA per motor, but this is acceptable. This value was obtained from my previous blog post, “Measuring Power Consumption of 3DoT Board.”

Table Three

Table Four

The margins for the LDO, Boost, and battery allow for a large margin for additional components.  The estimated mission duration is 20 minutes. The Pete-Bot is expected to run the mission within this time allotted.